Auto Accident Help Desk

We connect injured accident victims with powerful personal injury attorneys.
Speak with a live legal professional 24-7.
We offer free legal consultations to estimate the value of your case.
Call now for the best car accident settlement.

You'll get free legal advice directly from our lawyers

Calls will be connected to an experienced personal injury lawyer. Our intake specialists will gather relevant case details from you and assign your case to an outstanding lawyer for car accidents. This attorney consultation is FREE, and our experienced lawyers for car accidents will explain the next steps to get us working on your case right away. When you contact us, we can also schedule a lawyer for car accidents to call you back at the most convenient time.

Five Tips For Injury Accident Victims' Compensation

Auto Accident Help Desk is a free service for auto, truck & motorcycle accident victims. If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident, and it was not your fault, we can help.
Here are five tips for auto accident victims:
1. Get a police report at the scene of the crash. To maximize your injury compensation claim, you need evidence.
2. If you have sustained car crash injuries, go to the emergency room and get checked and continue to support your claim.
3. Do not call your insurance company. Call Auto Accident Help Desk to learn the value of your case. It's free.
4. If you have called your insurance company, do not accept their offer. Victims with attorneys get paid 3.5 times more.
5. Some injuries, like whiplash, take weeks or months to appear. Make sure you are under a Physician's treatment. The service is free, and there is no obligation.

Five Tips For Injury Accident Victims' Compensation

Auto Accident Help Desk is a free service for auto, truck & motorcycle accident victims. If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident, and it was not your fault, we can help.
Here are five tips for auto accident victims:
1. Get a police report at the scene of the crash. To maximize your injury compensation claim, you need evidence.
2. If you have sustained car crash injuries, go to the emergency room and get checked and continue to support your claim.
3. Do not call your insurance company. Call Auto Accident Help Desk to learn the value of your case. It's free.
4. If you have called your insurance company, do not accept their offer. Victims with attorneys get paid 3.5 times more.
5. Some injuries, like whiplash, take weeks or months to appear. Make sure you are under a Physician's treatment. Call 800-636-8833. The service is free, and there is no obligation.

Auto Accident Help Desk is a free service for auto, truck & motorcycle accident victims.

If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident, and it was not your fault, we can help.If you need a personal injury attorney to help with your injury settlement, we can help. We are open 24-7, including holidays. Your call will be answered by a legal professional, who can answer all of your questions. Then you will be connected to a powerful personal injury attorney. The service is free, and there is no obligation.